Fillable Petitioned Warrant Article Form

Attached you will find the following items needed should you want to request funding for your agency for the Town of Gorham 2023 budget cycle:

  1. The Agency Funding Request Form
  2. Petition to Insert a Warrant Article

Important Dates:

Applications are due in by Friday, January 6th, 2023.

The petition to insert a warrant article is due in by Tuesday, February 7, 2023. No exceptions per RSA 39:3 – fifth Tuesday before town meeting.

You will need to print a couple of petition pages to get enough signatures. Mandatory 25 registered voters from the town of Gorham. Please look to get 30 or 35 as the Town Clerk may not be able to validate some. In the past the reasons have been; not a town resident, town resident but NOT a registered voter or the information written down is not legible. Please get them in the last week in January so the clerk has time to validate all of your petitions. If your warrant is NOT validated it gives you time to get the few more signatures that you need.

Tuesday, February 16th 2023 6:30 pm Public Budget Hearing

ALL agencies that requested funding MUST  have a representative of their agency attend this meeting to answer any and all questions from the public.

Tuesday, March 14th, 2023 Town Meeting, 7:00 pm at the Gorham Middle/High School Gym

ALL agencies that requested funding MUST  have a representative of their agency attend this meeting to answer any and all questions from the public.

Thank you and Happy Holidays!